
The Lost Art of Direct Offers

As a copywriter for more than a decade, Dave Greenlee is an expert in helping businesses gain new customers with meticulous copy. He has put that experience to use by writing commanding copy for Ugurus, and now assists nonprofits, ministries, and churches in getting thousands of new visitors each month. In this interview, Dave explains why you shouldn’t be so quick to replace what isn’t broken, the type of reaction you should aim for from direct offers, and what makes a strong elevator pitch.



Don’t replace what isn’t broken

With new ways to connect with prospects popping up at an ever-accelerated rate, it can be tempting to believe everything you hear, like abandoning email marketing altogether and solely reaching out to prospects with tools like Messenger bots and social media.

Dave says it’s fine to use new tools if you think they can help you gain customers, but advises not to abandon the tools that are already working for you, like email.

Relying solely on social media or new tools for messenger can put you at risk of losing contact with interested leads should that social platform’s algorithm change. If you choose to use social media as the main source of lead generation, Dave suggests trying to capture the email addresses of at least 50% of those followers so you can still stay engaged with them and make offers, should an algorithm change occur.

Make more direct offers and aim for strong reactions from them

Years ago, direct mail meant placing an ad in a newspaper with copy compelling enough to convince customers to read it, cut it out, write a cheque, put it in an envelope, and mail it off while they waited for their order. Dave says direct response today is still looking for that same kind of reaction.

Direct response is nothing more than making a series of offers, so your goal is to encourage or convince your prospect that your offer is the solution to their problem. You’re only going to be as successful as the number of offers you make throughout the day, month, or year. To increase the number of prospects you reach, you need to increase the number of direct offers you make.

Online and social media marketing have made it easier to make offers consistently, so if your business is struggling, Dave suggests going through your data to assess how many offers you’ve made to see where you can increase.

Have a strong elevator pitch

If you want to connect with customers and prove your value, especially in comparison to competitors, you need to work on your elevator pitch.

Dave says it’s best to keep the conversation free of jargon and technical terms only you understand. While you may think it showcases your expertise, an elevator pitch full of complex terms can scare away your customers and confuse them.

Think it through, and keep it high level. Your goal should be to have your prospect say, “Tell me a little more about that.”

Show notes


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