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Your guide to contract approval workflows

Your Guide To Contract Approval Workflows

When your business is growing, you can't afford to be slowed down by inefficient processes. And yet, some inefficiencies are hard to avoid.

Approving a contract is a task that often involves many stakeholders and follows a complex process. In fact, it's easy for it to become the bottleneck of your sales process — unless you use an efficient contract approval workflow.

A contract approval workflow allows you to streamline your existing process and automate tedious tasks. It also helps keep track of who is responsible for what and makes sure that no detail gets overlooked.

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Top Priorities for the Savvy Sales Leader in 2022

The last couple years have had a major impact on the world of B2B sales. Between remote selling, virtual conferences, new hiring practices, and everything else, there have been some serious changes that are expected to stick around for years to come. As the new year unfolds, every forward-thinking sales leader should be thinking about their priorities for 2022 and beyond.

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prospecting techniques to find great leads

5 Sales Prospecting Techniques to Find Better Leads

In sales, there's only one thing that matters: closing.

Everything you do revolves around that goal – from the first point of contact to the handoff to customer support, your role as a sales rep is to connect with potential customers and convert them into clients.

But in order to seal the deal, you need deals to seal. In other words, you need a pipeline full of leads. And in order to achieve that, you’ll need to deploy your best sales prospecting techniques.

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The 4 Types of Sales Objections and How To Overcome Them

The 4 Types of Sales Objections and How To Overcome Them

Picture this: You’ve connected with a potential customer that sounds like they would be a great fit for your product. You know that your product can solve their pain points and deliver an amazing ROI, but when it comes time to move the deal forward, they are quick to say no.

You’ve just run into a sales objection.

Sales objections can be frustrating, but they’re almost always a part of the sales process, so if you want to close more deals, you’re going to want to learn what they are and how to overcome them.

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Does Outsourcing Part of the Sales Process Actually Work

Does Outsourcing Part of the Sales Process Actually Work?

New year, new challenges.

Whether your company has ambitious revenue targets, sky-high sales expectations, or grandiose growth goals, the pressure is on. As a sales leader, you want to ensure your sales organization is running on all cylinders right out of the gate. But with limited internal resources, you might be wondering how to ramp up your output. Could outsourcing be the answer?

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P blue suit coffee is for closers

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