The best tips for winning sales docs, straight from the proposal experts to your inbox.


the hidden cost of sales collaboration

The Hidden Costs of Collaboration: Proposals, Productivity, and Slack

Slack is a powerful business collaboration tool. If used incorrectly, however, dangers lurk within its emoji-filled channels that can take your sales team from :rocket: :dart: :champagne: to :chart_with_downwards_trend: :person_facepalming:‍♀️ :shit:. Here’s how to keep Slack from killing your close rate AND strengthen your proposal collaboration process at the same time.
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example of two sides of b2b sales

Is Friction an Ally or an Enemy in B2B Sales?

For prospective customers, sales friction can propel a B2B sale towards a close or stop the buying journey before it can build any momentum. For sales reps, then, it’s a friend AND an enemy. Here’s how to use both the push and pull of friction to supercharge your sales process.
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7 Proposal Myths to Abandon in 2019

There are a lot of proposal development myths out there. And if you believe them, you might as well be leaving your proposal win rate up to the whim of a Magic 8-Ball. Let’s give these proposal myths a shake and debunk them before your proposal success forecast is ‘OUTLOOK NOT SO GOOD’.
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how to find a profitable niche market

The Counterintuitive Tactic That Increases Deal Size, Profits, and Close Rates

Is your company laser-focused on a profitable target market? Or do you throw out as many lead gen darts as possible and sell to whatever sticks, even if it’s nowhere near the bull’s-eye? You can regain control. By sharpening your focus on who you serve and how you help them, you can set your business up for bigger success—selling your most profitable offerings to your dream clients.

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why you need a proposal coordinator or proposal manager

Why You Need a Proposal Coordinator or Proposal Manager Now

What do Thanksgiving dinner and proposal development have in common? More than you’d think. It might sound like the set up for a joke, but like Thanksgiving dinner, your proposal process can get out of hand without someone overseeing the whole thing. Here's how a proposal manager or coordinator makes your sales team more efficient.
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workout equipment that helps business leaders build sales momentum

How to Build and Sustain Sales Momentum

If your team is coasting along on decent sales numbers without seeing any growth, you’ve hit a plateau. Bust through it by consistently building on your sales reps’ success and lift your revenue by creating sales momentum. Here's how.
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