Thanks to Proposify, we’ll never use Microsoft Word to create proposals again.

Ashley Flowers
Director of sales at Inverse-Square

Inverse-Square, a custom software and web app development firm in Indianapolis, creates software solutions that are tailor fit to their clients. They ensure that each product delivered is done so with genuinely personal customer service, and built on transparency and accountability.

Director of sales, Ashley Flowers, knew that it was equally essential to streamline that accountability within her team. At the time, Microsoft Word was falling short. Its inconsistencies were diluting their sales process, and team members were scrambling to locate the most up to date content they needed to create proposals.

Proposify was the solution.

“The biggest problem that we faced was that the most up-to-date version of our proposal never made it to the client. They were all kept in Dropbox, with some versions overlooked or missing. The team could spend a lot of time looking for a proposal, only to find it buried in an email. It was painful. Proposify changed that. Everything is in one account, and while you can view the revision history, you never have to worry about the wrong version making it into the clients' hands.”

In Ashley’s eyes, the time saved looking for that proposal in a haystack was worth its weight in gold, or, in a paid account.

“Proposify’s biggest benefit to us is the accuracy it provides. Our clients are from all different industries, with specific needs. So sending out the proposal with the correct information to the right client is crucial.”

Inverse-Square knows that being on the ball can make or break a deal. Ashley says their sales team is the first to know, and fastest to act, when that initial Proposify email lands in the client’s inbox.

“Our team loves that when we send a proposal off to our clients, we get updates by email. Things like they viewed it, when they clicked to download the PDF, and exactly how long they spent viewing the proposal by page. We can see if and when they're interacting with it, and then we can gauge when to call and follow up.”

To Inverse-Square, the final product is only half the battle. Their service commitment along the way is the glue that solidifies the client’s lasting relationship and ultimate happiness with their software. They prioritize progress reports and constant communication. This process ensures that the client is in the loop at all times. Proposify has made it a breeze to deliver on those milestones and follow up instantly.

“We create software solutions from scratch for our clients. So we don’t work within a specific industry or even with a specific job title. It’s hard to track because every industry, every job title, and every type of business is so different, and every contract and the life cycle of every contract ends up being so diverse. We used to send weekly update reports via email to all of our clients to let them know if their project is on track, how many hours we’ve used, and how many are remaining. Using Proposify we can now send the contracts, and follow up with their project update reports. We can keep everything in one place.”

For Ashley, the proposal process doesn’t begin and end after she hits send. Sometimes clients will come back with changes or requests for pricing and scope. Proposify’s ability to edit and add to fee tables has saved time closing deals on more than one occasion.

“Having the breakdown of the fee tables has been really helpful to us. It’s encouraged us to get a little more granular when we talk about exactly how the client will be charged. In custom software we sometimes offer an a la carte option, so it’s not all or nothing. If they need to scale back the cost by losing a feature, I can go in and delete a couple of lines in the fee table. I don’t have to do any math, and I can send it off and know it’s right.”

Proposify has now become an integral part of the Inverse-Square sales process. To Ashley, no other software delivers the same ease and consistency.

“If I had to go back to Microsoft Word, I’d quit. Our whole team is on the same page; we now have a system where everything is in one place, and no one is left wondering if there’s another version floating around.”
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It’s about more than just proposals—it’s about world domination.

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