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why you need a proposal coordinator or proposal manager

Why You Need a Proposal Coordinator or Proposal Manager Now

What do Thanksgiving dinner and proposal development have in common? More than you’d think. It might sound like the set up for a joke, but like Thanksgiving dinner, your proposal process can get out of hand without someone overseeing the whole thing. Here's how a proposal manager or coordinator makes your sales team more efficient.
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An illustrative guide to create a conversion lead strategy guide

A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Winning Proposal Conversion Strategy

Sending out proposals and then hoping for the best is a common approach, but it’s not the most effective. If the client says no (or worse, if they don’t say anything at all), it can be hard to pinpoint where things went wrong. Having a strategy behind your proposal takes the guesswork out of things, and sets you up for crafting proposals that are much more likely to seal the deal. This 3-step guide walks you through exactly how to set it up.
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a calculator doing the math to price a business proposal

How to Price a Business Proposal

Winning clients and staying profitable is a fine line to maneuver for any business. It's critical that you learn how to price proposals as accurately as possible for your bottom line, and as attractively as possible to win against the competition. Here’s how to price a proposal with profitability in mind, from how to structure and present your pricing to how many fees to include.
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