The best tips for winning sales docs, straight from the proposal experts to your inbox.


How to Sell Your Clients on a Monthly Retainer

Whether you’re a consultant or an agency, generating a consistent flow of revenue can be difficult. Projects come and go and client priorities can change, so it’s up to you to ensure you have enough cash flow each and every month. Retainer agreements can help take you from reactive to proactive when it comes to closing deals, and provide you with steady income to keep your business afloat. To avoid any stall in cash flow, consider selling your clients on monthly retainers. Here’s how to do it right.

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How To Write a Cleaning Services Proposal

The janitorial industry is full of companies who compete primarily on price, with little regard for quality. Companies swoop in with promises of being the best / the greenest / the fastest, then underbid on the contract and underperform on the job.

Cleaning services companies like yours — the ones who work hard, pay their employees well, and keep happy customers — need to find other ways to stand out.

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How Proposal Software Can Help Save Time and Increase Efficiency

Almost every sales team has inefficiencies that clog up their sales pipeline. Some teams are slow at writing proposals, while others spend too much time chasing down info from their product teams or searching for the right version of the proposal document. Sound familiar?

We get it. The sales cycle is complicated and there’s plenty of room for error, so there’s no judgment if your process isn’t perfect. But that doesn’t mean that you should learn to live with your inefficiencies, especially when there’s a solution that can help you avoid them: proposal software.

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The Best Cold Email I’ve Ever Received (and How to Write Successful Cold Emails)

'Cold email' is an ugly term. No one wants to send them, no one wants to receive them. But, when used correctly, cold emailing can be a powerful lead generation tool for your business. In this post, I break down one of the best cold emails I've ever received, the reasons why it worked so well, and my top tips for writing and sending your own effective cold emails.

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a sales team making successful calls for ROI

What’s An Optimization Call and How Can It Increase Your Proposal Software ROI?

What’s the best way to get the most out of your proposal software? Having an expert to guide you through the tougher stuff, like improving your workflow, updating your template strategy, or simply customizing your settings, can make all the difference. Here’s how an optimization call with a customer success specialist can improve your proposal software ROI, plus a simple 4-step guide to what to expect on the call and what you can do to maximize the value you get from it.
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sales leader with social proofs

Beyond Case Studies: How to Use More Social Proof in Your Business Proposals

What do Jennifer Aniston, McDonald’s, and chewing gum have in common? They’re all in this post. Oh, and they’re great examples of how to use social proof. Social proof builds trust. It’s why we check product reviews or ask for recommendations from our friends. So, how can you capture that crowdsourced feeling in your proposals? I’m sharing 8 ways to kindle more confidence and persuade your prospects by adding some of these 5-star examples of B2B social proof to your proposals.
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